The Golden Fire Wifi Ring uses visible light, and other electromagnetic spectrums, as carrier waves for the frequencies of Unconditional Love. The Etheric Templates of the Meter Ring, Cell Phone Tab, Fire Ring, and now the Golden Fire, are all contained within.
The original Wifi Ring began as a Standard Fire Ring with some Meter Ring and Cell Phone Tab added into the Sacred Cubit Tensor Ring, as we wanted to work with all frequencies, both known and unknown, that are nonbeneficial on every level.
Then the Golden Fire Rings came along and changed everything...
Non-beneficial Environmental Frequencies
Place anywhere on frequency emitting appliances-
Simply place the Wifi Ring on the source of the nonbeneficial frequency, where it will automatically connect to and transform the frequency emitted. If you do not have access to the source of the frequency, having the Wifi Ring anywhere in your field (as a pendant or in your pocket) will protect your field.
Tape inside household fuse box
Stray Voltage in Water Lines
The Wifi Ring can be placed on any facet and it will restructure any stray current in the water.
Stray electrical currents are commonly found in water, as most home electrical systems are grounded into the incoming water line.
Other types of energetics found in water systems come from communications towers mounted on the city's water storage tanks as most cities welcome the rental space on their water towers.
When placed with intention, the Wifi Ring can follow the water back to the holding tank and clear the energetics from the attached communications towers.
Carry in your pocket, use as a pendant, put on your water bottle, sit with your crystals, etc etc.... a super versatile Ring!!!