Meditation chair with adjustable backrest
Just a super convenient floor chair that lets you have proper backrest while sitting on the floor. The backrest prevents slouching, promotes healthy posture, and helps prevent back pain
Use it in whichever way your imagination feels like using it, be it as a lounge, meditation chair, for reading, relaxing, TV-watching, seminars, for discussion groups in the office, or simply to explore the unknown realm of the epic dragon Kumasta. Up to you, really!
The backrest can be locked in 5 different positions. This means that the chair can be easily adjusted and safely fixed in your favorite position. You can get creative here.
********* IMPORTANT *********
At PRODUCTSHARE your purchases are automatically shared with your friends on Facebook, so if one of them buys the same item, your money is credited back and you get to enjoy that product for free. To make this amazing process a reality, we had to raise the prices of the different products we offer and it is why you see a price higher than in other online stores. But now you get to have this incredible meditation chair at no cost!
If you don't want to participate in the ProductShare movement and just want to get the chair at the regular price with no sharing and no possibility of getting the chair for free, you can do so by going on Amazon and purchasing the chair at regular cost. Please note that we are part of the Amazon affiliate program and will earn a small commission on there also. This is the link: https://amzn.to/2Q7fDaI
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