It took me 16 years to understand that in order to find true love, happiness, peace and abundance, I needed to go within.
During those years, I experienced several painful breakups and went from one relationship to another, only to realize that the most important love is self-love. The most painful break-up was the beginning of my life-long love story.
I moved from Slovakia to the USA with only 700 USD and without speaking a word of English. I put myself through law school and became a licensed attorney in New York. Nobody would hire me, so I started my own company and hired myself.
I then decided to challenge myself further and travel the world solo. I spent 30 days in complete silence, in meditation retreats throughout Bali, Nepal, and Hawaii. During this period, I faced my deepest fears and came to discover that they were only illusions. The truth is, many of our fears are not real, they are just our ego trying to protect us. What is real is love, and that is our “higher self”. The Universe is governed by the ultimate Law that is Love, and when we all collectively raise our consciousness, we will be able to create a new world.
In this book you will learn how to:
- Heal your broken heart and fall in love with yourself
- Change the limiting money mindset and attract abundance
- Discover your purpose and start a purpose driven business
- Meditate and tap into your higher self
- Activate your inner genius & step into your power
- Create a healthy relationship with your body & embrace your beauty
In order to live in this new world, every one of us must awaken and do the inner work. The new reality is within you, yearning to be awakened. The question is, are you ready?
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We thank you for the gift you provide the world in allowing yourself to take part in this movement that creates abundance for everyone. Our mission is to inspire people to fully be who they are, which gives rise to the limitless abundance of Love, of Health and of Freedom that is present in all of us. Your participation creates a stream of abundance that spreads this love, this passion we all feel and the joy present in our hearts to infinity. Thank you for being you. Thank you for being here, now!