There is an old zen proverb stating the following.“Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” – Zen proverb. So… What changed?? It would take me years to realize the full extent of this message. Even in my current state I still feel there is much to learn. So what changed? Well this is the story of my journey before and after becoming a spiritually aware being, through my pursuit of becoming an entrepreneur. See, becoming spiritually enlightened didn’t make me give up on my goals to instead pursue a path of spirituality, but rather enable me to see that everything is essentially spiritual in nature, and just how easily possible it was to achieve anything I set out to do. It also made me realize just how small minded and selfish I had been thinking. So what changed? Well.. EVERYTHING. My name is Dylan Cameron a.k.a The Maori Mystic. This is my story.
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